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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Photo Challenge #2

This weeks challenge is close up photography. This is actually my favorite style. Our subjects this week are nature (also my favorite), water and patriotic. For this I want my subject to be in sharp focus with a blurry background so there are no distractions. A tip is to take as many pictures as possible! Just keep shooting! Especially moving targets. Don't stop to check the pictures. Even though it looks good on the screen doesn't mean it came out sharp!


This picture was actually taken out my back window. I noticed the dragonfly so I went and grabbed my camera.

Always keep you camera handy!!!

This shot was taken in our tree out in the front yard. We have goldfinches all over! I love taking pictures of them whenever I can!


My neighbor, who is in the Navy, just put up a beautiful flagpole. I thought it would be perfect for my patriotic shot!

It is common to plant red, white and blue "purple" petunias to
celebrate the 4th of July!


This is a geranium right after watering the flower beds.

This shot was just taken the other morning. I still hadn't gotten a second water shot but I woke up and found that the back door had water spots with the storm clouds in the distance so I grabbed the camera. The trick was focusing on just the water droplets! That was a challenge!!

Bonus: Fireworks

This shot was actually taken a couple of years ago. I didn't get a chance to take firework shots this years so I posted this one. It's actually my all time favorite shot.

Tip: I played around with the exposure at the time. Make sure to use a tripod and the delay. I had my camera set on a 2 second delay and I timed it to push the button as soon as I heard the firework deploy. If I remember correctly I think it was a one second exposure.

Here's another one I picked. I have hundreds of firework pics but some just stand out more than others!

Thanks for looking!!!


Sandie Dunn said...

Wow Melissa! I don't even know which to comment on first! I love the angle on the flag pole! Outstanding! Great catch on the dragon fly too. I really like the composition in that shot. You think at first it's about the flower and then realize the dragon fly is there. Your water droplets are very cool too! Wonderful fireworks! Nice work!

Lee's said...

That is so cool that you capture the dragon fly! Very nice shot! I also love the angle of the flag pole. Awesome job. I've been meaning to say that your jewelry designs are awesome! I wish I have the talent to create things like that:)

momof3girls2008 said...

Great shots Melissa! I love the water droplets!

Marsha K. said...

Awesome shots Melissa - I love love love the flag pole - the perspective is perfect. Great fireworks shots. Also - Love the water on the window - perfect for the challenge!!

Elizabeth said...

Love the perspective of the flag photo!! The firework photos are very cool! Love the dragonfly photo! Great job!

Jane F. Smith said...

wow...awesome shots!!! love the fireworks and the flag pole is excellent LOVE the vantage point!!

Tonya said...

I like the view of the flag, very coo.

ScrapDoggy said...


Wow! Your fireworks shots are amazing! My fav though would have to be the water droplets. Isn't it funny how sometimes you can't plan the best shots!! Terrific work on all 3 subjects & the bonus!



Carol said...

These are all beautiful shots, hard to pick a favorite. Wonderful job.