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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Photo Challenge #1-Composition

Here are my pictures for photo challenge #1. This was a challenge for me because it really made me think about what I was going to shoot. While shooting I had to be aware of everything visible in the shot.


I thought feet was the easiest to shoot. I was done with these shots first but I think they ended up being my least creative and interesting even though they are cute! The first one is my little neighbor Frankie. He is just starting to walk but outside he crawls because he can get around faster that way. You can tell by the way his toes are curling that he is after something!
The next one is Henry the guinea pig. When he relaxing he lays on one side and sticks his back foot out. It's really cute!


Now I thought tea was the most challenging subject for me. I don't even drink tea. I did find a coworkers tea stained cup and thought it would be an interesting shot.

The second shot I took some tea (from work) and scattered them. To make the picture more interesting I converted it to "colored pencil"


I had fun with music. I've always loved the way CD's flashed in the sunlight so that's how I came up with this one.

We haven't had our piggy Henry very long now but I have thought about making a black and white scrapbook of him when I first got him. Henry on a piano, checkers board, black and white tiled floor, etc. This picture came to mind right away for music and now I have my first picture for my scrapbook!! Henry liked making piggy music!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Relay for Life

Hi All!
One more month till our Relay for Life event. I just signed up online so come visit my page online if you want to make a donation to the American Cancer Society. It will go towards Kate's Team. Last year we raised over $20,000. Hopefully we'll beat that goal this year!
Here's my page: Relay for Life
For awareness jewelry come visit my website: Sparkle N Stone

Photo Challenge is Sunday!!! Can't wait!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Here's Henry!

Our family has just acquired a new pet. His name is Henry and he is our new Guinea Pig! We've actually had him for about a month but life being so busy lately I haven't been able to get the pictures up online yet. We adopted Henry from Critter Coral
They are a Guinea Pig rescue group. They've got hundreds of Guinea Pigs online up for adoption! I just love these little guys!

Here's Henry:

He looks like two totally different pigs depending on which angle you look at him from!

He's a very sweet and easy going piggy!

We love him!

Tips, Tricks and Challenges

I have joined a photo challenge group at
and our first challenge is due Sunday 6/29! We are taking composition shots of three subjects:
tea, feet and music. Plus we need to take shots of each subject 2 different ways. I'm almost done with my shots. I'm really anxious to see what other people have done! This group is just for fun and it will be a great learning experience for me. Come back on Sunday and check out my shots!