First and foremost I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays!
I wanted to post a couple of pet portraits that I have created. This first one is for my best friend Sandy. She wanted me to do a portrait of her pug "Gus" who passed away a couple of years ago. She asked me back in May but at the time my thumb was recovering from yet another sprain and I couldn't even think about doing a scratchboard portrait. She wasn't in a hurry. Whenever I would get to it would be fine. My thumb finely was feeling better a couple months later but then I thought I would get the portrait done for her 50th birthday in November. I never mentioned the portrait to her but I was working hard on it. She thought I had forgot about it. By the time her birthday came around I had given the portrait to her husband to have framed and he surprised her with it! She was at a loss for words! She sat for hours staring at her Gus!
The next one was a commission by another girl I work with. Her families dog Luke has just been put to sleep after finding out he had a brain tumor. She asked me to do a drawing of Luke for her parents for Christmas. I had about a month to do it but I got it done! Here's Luke...